Third Grade

Please make sure that your child is reading and taking at least 2 AR books per week and receiving a minimum of 70% on each assessment. I will be sending home a progress report of their AR weekly reading assessments on Tuesday. I ask that you please sign them and return them the following day.



This week we will be continuing with Traditions genre by reading Dancing Rainbows.  A story about the Indian culture and it's ceremonial traditions.



This week we will be focusing on the multiples of five and six. In addition we will be reviewing adding with regrouping.

PLEASE make sure that your child is studying his/her multiplication tables EVERY NIGHT for a minimum of 10-15 minutes.



This week we will be focusing on the different ECOSYSTEMS. I will be sending home the guidelines  for a project to be completed and brought in on Friday, November 12, 2010.


* If you are in need of any materials in order to complete the project please see me.  


Social Science:

This week we will be focusing on learning skills to resolve conflicts and practicing conflict resolution strategies through role playing.